Regulatory compliance management company

The client is a large B2B business that specializes in managing and automating compliance with over

100 national & international clients.


Post site migration there was a significant drop in website traffic and SERP Rankings

Website malfunctions, Low page speeds impacted their website’s stability causing their online presence to plummet.


  • Identified bottlenecks by base-lining existing systems, processes and performance


  • A thorough website audit was conducted & SEO expertise applied by developing Keyword research strategy to optimize content


  • Off-page SEO boosted through quality back-linking
    Measurement model and active reporting on essential metrics & milestones set up


Considerable increase of 30% Increase in Organic Traffic within 4 months

Bounce rate reduction from 84% to 68%

Site health improved to 99% and 2 of the product pages ranked on the first page

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