Organic food producing company

The client is an Organic Food Provider working with 8000 farmers spread across 7 states with a product

portfolio of 250+ products.


Looking to expand their presence in metro & Tier I cities



Low engagement rate due to weak website performance and malfunctions


Low SERP Rankings for online products….



  • Identified bottlenecks by base-lining existing systems, processes and performance
  • Thorough website audit was conducted. SEO expertise applied by developing Keyword research strategy to optimize content
  • Revenue boosting products identified for product specific keywords to optimize the e-commerce website
  • E-commerce tracking enabled Off-page SEO boosted through quality back-linking
  • Measurement model and active reporting on essential metrics & milestones set up


65% increase in Organic traffic within 9 months

Generated 2 Lakhs from Organic search with 95% improvement in Unique page Views on Home Page in under 2 months

The website ranked on the 1st and 2nd page for 70% of the target keywords with 5 of their digital PR articles ranked on the first page.

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